WrestleMania 34 Predictions

Welcome to my predictions for WrestleMania 34. This year has one of the best cards maybe ever despite certain matches might not have been as properly built as they could have been. There’s a lot to get through so lets get to it.

Kick Off

Mustafa Ali vs Cedric Alexander Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Finals

Image result for wrestlemania 34 match cardIt’s a shame this match is on the kick off and I’m glad other people seem to think so as it shows the improvement in 205 Live over the past couple of months. Clearly WWE doesn’t think the same.

Based on his in ring work and the promos he’s done on social media Mustafa Ali absolutely deserves to take this. He’d be much more interesting as champion than Cedric.

WrestleMania Women’s Battle Royal

Image result for wrestlemania 34 battle royalI’m not going to get into the controversy here. I think it has to come down to Bayley and Sahsa since they are the only ones in this match with any kind of story.  I have Bayley winning leading to Banks finally turning heel and we can properly begin this feud.

I defiantly think we’ll see some surprise entrants from NXT like Kairi Sane or the Iconic Duo.

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Image result for wrestlemania 34 battle royalI forgot until the other day that this was happening. I think we’ll see the return of Big Cass and he’ll win the match. If not maybe Woken Matt. Doesn’t really matter either way.

Main Show

The Usos vs The New Day vs The Bludgeon Brothers for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles

Image result for wrestlemania 34 matchesI think this is the match most likely to open the show. This or the RAW tag titles. I’m glad that the Usos are on the main show but I see this match only getting around 10 minutes. I have the Bludgeon Brothers because they’ve been built as monsters and should stay that why for a while. Also it means the Usos have to chase the titles which could be good. If you want an idea of how this match could go I recommend checking out DIY vs the Revival vs AOP from TakeOver Orlando.

The Miz vs Seth Rollins vs Fin Balor for the Intercontinental Championship

Image result for wrestlemania 34 matchesWe got a preview of this match in the first 5 minutes of the Elimination Chamber. It was good there it will be great here I feel. I think Balor takes it here because he doesn’t seem to be going after the Universal title anytime soon but he needs a belt to give him some momentum. Especially after the Wyatt Kane fiasco. Miz has been mentioning beating the record for the most combined days too much which makes me think he’s not beating it.

Randy Orton vs Bobby Roode vs Rusev vs Jinder Mahal for the United States Championship

Image result for wrestlemania 34 matchesA match that was destined for the Kick off before Rusev was added. I’m going with my heart and saying he takes it. He’s the most popular person in this match as well as the most interesting to see as champion. If he doesn’t the fans will boo mercilessly.

Nia Jax vs Alexa Bliss for the RAW Women’s Championship

Image result for wrestlemania 34 nia vs alexaI’ve heard a lot about this match not getting a lot of time and just having Nia killing Alexa. I think that would be okay given the story. Have Mickie get sent to the back so that when Nia finally gets her hands on Bliss she just destroys her. I think she deserves it. She should have had a run as champion by now. There’s also the possibility of Carmella cashing because she’s not cashing in on Asuka that would be a mistake.

Braun Strowman & Partner vs The Bar for the RAW Tag Team Championships

Image result for wrestlemania 34 match card

I’m just going to through out a random guess because why not. I’m saying it’s James Storm. He was backstage at RAW so why not. Big show doesn’t make sense given he got put through a cage by Braun. Elias is supposedly doing something else and he got destroyed by Braun so why would he team with him. Whoever it is I think Braun and his partner are winning as I believe the Bar are moving to SmackDown soon.

Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon vs Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn: If Sami & Kevin lose they stay fired If they win they’re rehired

Image result for wrestlemania 34 matchesA story saved by Daniel Bryan being cleared. The stipulation intrigues me as for a while I was unsure who would win. Owens & Zayn winning creates huge heat and when they are rehired Bryan can get his revenge. However given what happened last time Mania was in New Orleans and it’s his return to the ring I’m going with Bryan and Shane. Rumours are Owens and Zayn will lose and be rehired on RAW which makes sense.

Chatlotte vs Auska for the SmackDown Women’s Championship

Related imageEven though it won’t this is a match that could main event the show. These two are the biggest stars in the women’s division colliding on the biggest stage. The build may not of been the best but it’s simple one. Two huge stars who want to see who’s the best. I have Auska winning because she’s the winner of the first women’s Rumble so I doubt they’ll have the first rumble winner lose in their mania title shot. Plus I think she’ll win at least one Mania match before the streak ends.

Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle vs Triple H & Stephanie McMahon

Image result for wrestlemania 34 matchesI know some people don’t like the presentation of Ronda but I think it’s been fine it’s still early days. It’s good that she’s in a tag match because it protects her while she’s still training. I’m actually more worried about how Kurt will look in the ring. He did not look great at Survivor Series. I see Angle and Ronda taking it. I also see Steph getting a couple of shots in which just angers her more and Ronda kills her.

Rumour has it they want a Austin McMahon like thing with Stephanie and Ronda. They could have Stephanie for Ronda’s next few matches choose her opponents and try to stack the deck against her even trying to pay off Shayna Baszler. Not my original idea but it’s a good one.

Undertaker vs John Cena?

Image result for wrestlemania 34 undertaker vs john cenaI think it’s best to cover this in case it happens. When you think about it the card doesn’t need it. Rumours have it there will be a face off to set up a match further down the line. If the match does happen I think Taker should win it. I don’t mind if they get the Deadman or the American Badass

Shinsuke Nakamura vs AJ Styles for the WWE Championship

Related imageSimilar build to Charlotte vs Asuka but slightly better. This is because of the history with their New Japan match and they’ve been teasing the match. I like the mind games over the last couple of weeks. If given the time which I hope it will get this is guaranteed to be a great match. Nakamura needs to win because he just been rebuilt after what happened last time he challenged for the title.

Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship

Image result for wrestlemania 34 matches

This is going on last whether we like it or not. I liked the start of this feud because it was something different with Reigns but they could have done more with the suspension. Since then it’s just been repeated beat downs on Reigns so that when he wins he looks triumphant. I think people forget their match from Mania 31 was good before the Rollins Cash in. This match should be like that just the two of them going full pelt at each other in a hard hitting match.

Roman is winning but at least it will be good once it’s over with. Also people forget when he was WWE champion he had great matches with AJ and Rollins. After Mania he’s got potential challengers like Balor, Joe, Strowman and Rollins. Maybe even Ambrose if he turns heel upon returning.

Summary: Ali, Bayley, Cass, Bludgeon Brothers, Balor, Rusev, Nia, Braun & Storm, Bryan & Shane, Asuka, Ronda & Kurt, Undertaker?, Nakamura, Reigns

What do you think of my predictions? Do you agree or disagree? Tell me in the comments below or on Twitter @scottmcleod1996. Stay tuned for my Takeover & WrestleMania 34 reviews.




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